DBC Apprenticeship Awards 2025

On Friday 14th February we rounded off our National Apprenticeship Week 2025 celebrations with DBC’s annual Apprenticeship Awards, recognising the outstanding achievements of our apprentices and employers over the past year.
Each year our Apprenticeship Awards shine a spotlight on the individuals that have shown excellence in their apprenticeship training, as well as employers who are ambassadors for apprenticeships in their organisations, and those who provide the highest levels of support and mentorship to apprentices.
On the day we were delighted to be joined by Michelle Plange, Head of Apprenticeships at Synnovis, who spoke about the valuable role apprenticeships play in their business, emphasising how they help develop skilled talent and drive growth through the Synnovis Academy.

The award winners include:
– Business Administration Apprentice of the Year: Charlotte Lewis – DHL
– Customer Service Apprentice of the Year: Madison Johnson – Xline Systems Ltd
– Coaching Professional Apprentice of the Year: Emma Storey – Nottingham Trent University
– HR Apprentice of the Year: Luna Marcius – The Chevron Group
– Leadership & Management Apprentice of the Year: Emma Relton – Lincolnshire Co-op
– Marketing Apprentice of the Year: Claudia Leschian – Absolute Kitchens
– Sales & Recruitment Apprentice of the Year: Emily Butterworth – Daisy Corporate Services
– Supply Chain & Logistics Apprentice of the Year: Danny Barlow – DHL
– Partner of the Year: Synnovis
– Mentor of the Year: Joanne O’Brien – Office for Nuclear Regulation
– Best New Apprenticeship Programme: Car Finance 247
– Apprenticeship Ambassador of the Year – Richard Davenport – Waltham Forest Council
– Small Employer of the Year: M.A Ford Europe
– Large Employer of the Year: Regatta Group
– Apprentice of the Year: Emma Storey – Nottingham Trent University
Apprentice of the year, Emma Storey (Pictured Below) said this about her achievements: “I can honestly say that doing an apprenticeship myself really has changed my life. I am a better person, colleague, manager- even a better parent! I’ve regained my identity and purpose which had become lost for various reasons,
The apprenticeship was delivered to an exceptional standard by DBC Training, and my development coach is the best there is. I recommend doing this standard to everyone!
My aim was to grow, and the apprenticeship, topped off with winning Coaching Professional of the Year and Apprentice of the Year has made me feel 10 feet tall!”

We were also joined by Senior Contract Manager at the Department of Education, Elliot Blair who commented: “The event was a great way to round off National Apprenticeship Week 2025. The awards showed the impact of apprenticeships and the dedication of the apprentices, employers, and Independent Training Providers.”
Finalists were selected from the hundreds of apprentices and employers we work with, so to be shortlisted is an outstanding achievement, with all finalists highly commended.
Well done and congratulations to all finalists and winners.